Pete Yorn 4/16 at 12pm

Couple Charged With Stealing 90 Pounds Of Sand From An Italian Beach

Sure, it’s nice to have a little souvenir from vacation to remember your summer travels by, but stealing 90 pounds of sand from a beach is probably not the best way to do that. A  couple is facing a real life dungeon for stealing nearly 90 pounds of sand from the Italian island of Sardinia.…

Watch Bastille Perform a Song On A Terrifying Theme Park Ride

Bastille has definitely reached new heights with this performance. The band was performing in Sweden when frontman Dan Smith decided to hop on a scary tower drop ride halfway through. Two fans and a cameraman joined him as he sung “Flaws” for the crowd below, before letting out a loud scream as the ride fell.…

Can I Hit That: Outside Lands 2019

Just saying “high” to everyone at Outside Lands 2019. In previous years, we’ve done a segment called “Can I have A Bite?” where we go around and ask patrons for a sample of their food. This year, however, with cannabis legally allowed to be sold on festival grounds, Arthur decided to ask people for a…

Researches Develop Vaccine For Cats So You Won’t Be Allergic To Them

If you love cats but have never been able to own one as a pet because you’re allergic, there’s some exciting news for you! Researchers in Switzerland have recently developed a vaccine to cancel out your allergies to felines. HypoPet is a biotechnology company of the University of Zurich and says they inject the animals…

Van Previously Owned By Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong Up For Sale

Hitchin’ a ride? You can be the owner of a 1961 Chevrolet Greenbrier that Billie Joe Armstrong once owned, with a customized “GRNDAY” license plate and signed glove box. See more photos of the van from the Trade Me post here, which you can buy now at $39,995 or start bidding for at $37,995. The current…

Pumpkin Spice Spam Coming This Fall

Yet another food item nobody wanted pumpkin-spiced. On September 23rd, you’ll be able to buy limited-edition Pumpkin Spice Spam online at and Two years ago, the company Hormel put the idea out there as a joke, but this year they’re making it officially a thing. We’re sure some people will be excited to…

Miniature Horses Allowed To Fly As Service Animals, Department of Transportation Announces

The Department of Transportation has announced that miniature horses will still be allowed on airplanes as service animals. The agency was reviewing its service animal policies after complaints of passengers abusing guidelines for emotional support animals. But in an update released last week, the DOT made clear that “commonly recognized service animals” will be permitted,…

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