Pete Yorn 4/16 at 12pm

Investors Announce Woodstock 50 Cancellation, But is it Really Cancelled?

Woodstock 50 was set to happen August 16-18 in Watkins Glen, New York with a stacked lineup.

Earlier today, however, the festival’s primary funding partner, Dentsu Aegis Network, stated that they “don’t believe the production of the festival can be executed as an event worthy of the Woodstock brand name while also ensuring the health and safety of the artists, partners, and attendees” and have decided to cancel the event.

But now the organizers of the festival have claimed that Dentsu Aegis Network have no right to cancel it. They are currently looking for other investors to back Woodstock 50 and have even paid all of the artists in full.

As of now, no clear answer if Woodstock 50 is still happening.

We’re getting serious Fyre Fest vibes… only question now is whether Netflix or Hulu will jump on the documentary first.

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